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In the DIY section, you'll find creative ideas and inspiring projects made by our community members. Engaging in DIY projects using unwanted or recycled items is beneficial as it fosters creativity, encourages individuals to innovate and think resourcefully, and promotes environmental sustainability by repurposing items that would otherwise contribute to waste and highlighting the importance of recycling and upcycling. Such projects also offer a practical, hands-on learning experience, developing various skills from carpentry to sewing, while providing a sense of accomplishment and personal satisfaction.

  • Our main goal is to promote creativity, a sustainable lifestyle, and reusability as much as possible, using mostly used materials and objects. To incentivize participation and recognize your efforts, we have developed a point-based system for users. If your project is within a contest, other users can vote for it, and you will earn points based on the categories voted on. If the project is not in a contest, the same amount of points will be gathered when other users review it. Each user can vote/review a project only once.

  • This section of the app will display projects that are both involved in a contest or just stand-alone DIY projects that users are showcasing to the world.

  • To add a project, simply follow these steps:

  • 1. Tap the "add project" button on the bottom of the screen.

  • 2. Select a background for your project. You can upload your image or choose from our available templates.

  • 3. Upload up to three images to show the before and after stages of your project.

  • 4. Pick a title for your project. This title is how people will search for your project.

  • 5. Add a brief description of what the project is all about. If you exceed the 600-character limit, you can add more details in the comments section.

  • 6. Once you fill in all the required fields, the submit button will become visible, and you can submit your project..

  • Adding a video or a slideshow is optional, and you can always add or edit them later by going to 'items/projects/update'.

  • 1. Tap the Star-shaped button on the top right of the project's screen.

  • 2. Using a unique value for each category, 5 being the highest, rate or vote your favorite aspects of the project. You'll get 1 generosity point for doing this, while the other user's efforts get noticed and appreciated.

  • DoublePi includes a contest feature that allows users to participate in DIY project competitions. These contests offer flexibility in terms of visibility, with options for either public viewing, where any user can see the projects, or private viewing, restricted to participants only. Within these contests, any user has the privilege to cast a vote.

  • Awards are given to the top three projects, and there's an additional accolade for the 'best' project in each of the following distinct categories: creativity, design, sustainability, skillfulness, and purpose. Beyond these categories, there's a special designation for the 'best overall project,' determined by voter consensus on which project stands out amongst all. The three projects that accrue the highest number of 'best project' votes are then recognized as the top projects of the contest.

  • To initiate a contest on our platform, begin by setting the visual stage: you can either upload an original background image that captures the essence of your contest or select a fitting one from the templates we provide.

  • Next, craft a catchy title that reflects the spirit of your contest – think of it as a beacon for participants searching for challenges like yours.

  • Now, succinctly describe your contest, making sure to encapsulate its essence within 600 characters. This is where you hook potential contestants and give them a taste of what to expect.

  • Then, set the timeline by choosing a start and end date for your contest, giving participants a clear window of opportunity to engage.

  • With all the details in place, the 'Submit' button will become active. Taping it will bring your contest to life for the community to join and compete.

  • In addition to the essential steps for launching a contest, you have the flexibility to tailor it further to suit your specific requirements. You can only do this before you submit the contest. You can't customize it after the contest has started.

  • Selecting Participants: You have control over who can compete in your contest. By using the 'Choose Users' feature, you can invite specific members to participate. This ensures that only those you've selected can enter, provided they already hold a DoublePi account.

  • Privacy Settings: You determine who gets to see and vote in your contest. Set it to 'Public' for open visibility and voting, or restrict it to a select audience. Even with public viewing, the entry can be exclusive to those you've invited, preventing uninvited users from joining unless you extend an invitation.

  • Voting Configuration: Tailor the voting timeline to your contest's rhythm. You can enable voting to commence only after the project submission deadline has passed or allow votes to be cast throughout the contest duration. Additionally, you can set a specific voting period post-submission deadline, giving participants a defined timespan to cast their votes.

  • To participate in a contest, look for the contest in the Contests section of the app, tap on that particular Contest, and once in the Contest details screen, look for the 'join contest" button on the bottom right of the screen.

  • Once you tap the "join contest", you will be asked to add the project you like to compete with. You can only add one project per contest.

  • If the contest is set to public viewing, any user on the platform can cast their vote as they wish. 

  • Find the contest you'd like to vote on, tap on a project, and tap the Star-shaped button on the top right of the project's screen.

  • Using a unique value for each category, 5 being the highest,  vote for your favorite aspects of the project. You'll get 1 generosity point for doing this, while the other user's efforts get noticed and appreciated.

  • The outcome of each contest is determined by tallying the votes each project receives. Providing there are no technical issues, within 15 minutes after a contest concludes, the results will be compiled and displayed. Additionally, all participants should receive in-app notifications regarding the contest results.

  • In case there are any gifts gathered for the contest, they will be shared between top three overall projects: Best Project, Second Place, and Third Place. Additionally, there will be recognition for the best in Creativity, Design, Sustainability, Skillfulness, and Purpose, increasing the chances for more participants to be acknowledged.

  • Any gifts or sponsorships accumulated for the contest will be divided among the top three projects as follows: Best Project will get 45%, Runner-Up will get 35%, and Third Place will receive 20%. Winners of specific categories will not receive separate gifts unless they also secure one of the top three positions.

  • Users can post and pick up free items, promoting reusability and sustainability. Items can be used as is or modified for new purposes.

  • Feel free to upload up to 3 images to best showcase your entry.

  • Don't forget to pick a category and add some catchy keywords – they're a must!

  • Adding details isn't required, but it's a nice touch that can make your entry shine.

  • Just a heads-up: We have some no-go items, so if a listing doesn't fit the bill, we'll have to remove it. The same goes for the rule-bending users.

  • All set? Once you've filled in the bits we need, tap the 'Submit' button. The post will not be visible until you have successfully submitted it.

  • Wait until you are contacted by users nearby. By tapping 'ITEMS' button, head over to my listings, click on an item you listed, and choose a user to give this item. Select from the users you've been contacted by.

  • You and the correspondent user will have to arrange a pickup method. It's usually the receiver who will pick it up from you. DoublePi is not involved in either storage or transporting the items listed here.

  • This functionality relies on location services. If the current location isn't the designated pickup spot, you should only proceed when confirming the exact spot. Otherwise, the receiving user won't be able to confirm.

  • This screen is meant to establish the location of the item, so submit it only if this is where you'd like your item to be picked up from.

  • Once the other user picks up the item, they will be asked to confirm and rate its current condition.

  • Browse or search for an item. Press on a  thumbnail. Once redirected to the details screen you have the option to send a message.

  • As soon as the item's owner chooses you as a receiver, you'll see a notification with further instructions.

  • You and the correspondent user will have to arrange a pickup method. It's usually the receiver who will pick it up.

  • When picking up the item, make sure you have your internet and location services turned on, in case you'd like to take advantage of the point system. This is not necessary but it might be something the user who gives the item is looking for.

  • Once you pick the item up, you will be asked to inspect it and rate its condition. You'll both get points in different categories.

  • Groups are a fundamental aspect of the platform, providing a unique and exciting way for users to come together and compete with other communities and teams. Grouping together allows users to pool their points in various categories, resulting in a combined total that represents the effort of the entire team. The benefits of being a part of a group are numerous, as it not only provides a sense of community, but also the opportunity to participate in friendly competition with other groups.

  • One of the key features of groups is that each user can only be a member of two groups at a time. This means that users must choose wisely when selecting which groups to join, as they will only be able to contribute their points to those two teams. This creates a sense of responsibility for users to make sure that they are a part of groups that align with their interests and goals.

  • It is important to note that when a member leaves a group, their points will be deducted from the group's total. This serves as a reminder of the importance of staying actively involved in the group and contributing to the team's success. It also incentivizes groups to maintain a high level of participation, as the departure of a single member can greatly impact the team's overall score.

  • In conclusion, groups provide a unique and exciting way for users to come together and compete with other communities and teams. By pooling their points in various categories, users can create a combined total that represents the effort of the entire group. With only the ability to be a member of two groups at a time, users must choose wisely when selecting which groups to join. The group administrator plays a crucial role in managing the group and has the authority to add and remove users, while also being a member of the group themselves. Finally, the departure of a member results in the deduction of their points from the group's total, emphasizing the importance of active participation and contribution.

  • The person who initiates the group is known as the group administrator and holds a significant amount of responsibility for managing the group. The administrator has the authority to add and remove users from the group, ensuring that only those who are actively participating are contributing their points to the group's total. Additionally, the administrator is also a member of the group, allowing them to contribute their points to the team's overall score.

  • Any user can start a group as long as it consists of 3 users or more.

  • Competitions in DoublePi occur both within individual groups and across the entire DoublePi community, with separate rankings for each. These rankings are updated based on user activities from the past 30 days, more specifically, the points gathered by individual users. There is more information below regarding these points.

  • DoublePi continuously updates these rankings according to the contributions made by group members during this period. For a group to keep its rank, active participation from all members is crucial. Unlike a system that ranks based on total points, DoublePi's primary ranking system uses the average points per user in a group. This is calculated by dividing the group's total points by its number of members. While there is a secondary ranking system that considers total points for statistical purposes, the main focus is on the average points, emphasizing consistent group activity.

  • Points are earned in various categories through different activities:

  • GENEROSITY: Earn Generosity points by giving away items. The recipient rates your item from 1 to 5, and this rating is the number of points you receive for that item.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: Earn Sustainability points in two ways:

  • Receive or reuse items given away by other users. Search categories, find items you need, and contact the user.

  • Post a DIY project and earn votes. Additionally, use items obtained from other app users in your project. You earn 5 points for each item listed under 'materials used'. Manage materials, before and after pics, and other aspects of your project at items/projects/update-edit.

  • CREATIVITY: Present a DIY project via the PROJECTS feature or in a CONTEST to earn Creativity points. Projects are voted on by users based on various criteria. Update your project with details like materials used and before/after pics at items/projects/update-edit.

  • DESIGN, SKILLFULNESS, PURPOSE: Points in these categories are awarded using the same algorithm as Creativity points.

  • INITIATIVE: Earn Initiative points by:

  • Starting a CONTEST. Earn 1 point for each project enrolled by different users (one project per user).

  • Posting a project on the PROJECTS feature, earning 1 point per project.

  • The DoublePi score ranges from 0 to 6.28 and reflects a user's ongoing engagement level within the app. It is based on the user's activity within the last 30 days. Users can boost their score by inviting new users and having them enter a one-time code during signup. The DoublePi score will be displayed on a user's profile.


  • Here's a breakdown of how this is done. To calculate a user's DoublePi score, add the scores from each of the 8 categories and divide by 8. The categories are:

  • DIY Projects: The score is based on the most-liked project in the last 30 days.

  • 30+ likes: 6.28 score.

  • 15-29 likes: 4.18 score.

  • 0-14 likes: 2.09 score.

  • Free Items Listed: The score depends on the number of free items listed in the last 30 days.

  • 2 items: 6.28 score.

  • 1 item: 3.14 score.

  • Free Items Successfully Given: The score is based on the number of free items given away in the last 30 days, confirmed by the recipient.

  • 2 items: 6.28 score.

  • 1 item: 3.14 score.

  • Free Items Taken: The score depends on the number of free items taken in the last 30 days.

  • 2 items: 6.28 score.

  • 1 item: 3.14 score.

  • Successful Referrals: The score is based on the number of successful referrals in the last 30 days.

  • 3 referrals: 9.42 score.

  • 2 referrals: 6.27 score.

  • 1 referral: 2.5 score.

  • Note: This category has a higher cap and can offset lower scores in other categories. A successful referral occurs when the new user enters the code upon signing up.

  • Other Projects Ranked or Voted: The score depends on the number of other projects ranked or voted on in the last 30 days.

  • 10 projects: 6.28 score.

  • Fewer projects: Proportionate score.

  • Participate in a Contest: The score is based on participation in a contest within the last 60 days.

  • Participation: 6.28 score.

  • Be Currently a Member of a Group: The score depends on current group membership.

  • Member of a group: 6.28 score.

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